
Meet Whispp: one of our finalists of the 4YFN Awards 2024

Meet Whispp: one of our finalists of the 4YFN Awards 2024

4YFN recently spoke with Ivan Mariblanca Flinch, Co-founder and CEO of MIKUJY, about his experience presenting green tech innovations at MWC 2024. As the winners of the Green Tech Pitch Battle, they discussed MIKUJY's progress to date and their vision for the future.


1. Could you share the story behind your startup? What inspired you to create MIKUJY, and what unique challenges did you face in the field of Green Tech?

MIKUJY borned from the desire to align digital transition and ecological transition. Today, everything is getting digital and, at the same time, all companies are setting ambitious climate goals, without considering digital footprint. We aim to support these companies to reach both goals.

2. How is MIKUJY innovating and making a difference in the Green Tech sector? What impact do you hope to achieve in the next five years? 

MIKUJY innovates by supporting its customers in measuring and reducing their IT park footprint from end-to-end : workplace, datacenter, network and Cloud footprint. All lifecycle is considered: manufacturing, usage and end life. Companies are pushed to measure their scope 3, where IT footprint is present. But, currently, most of companies, even big ones, are not considering this footprint. And we support them on achieving this issue. In the next 5 years, we expect to be leaders in Europe and have customers in America and Asia.

3. Winning the Pitch Battle at 4YFN24 is a significant achievement. Could you describe your experience during the Pitch Battle and how it has influenced your startup's journey?

We were surprized by the quality of the other start-ups. But we were confident that we had our chances. Winning the Pitch Battle gave us a lot of visibility during the Fair and even in international media and customers.

4. What role has participating in programs like 4YFN played in your startup’s development? How have such platforms provided you with the support and resources needed to grow? 

Participating in the 4YFN helped us to connect with international leads and partners and also with potential investors, which is the core of all startup's development. From the Pitch Battle until the investor meeting event were very useful for our growth.

5. What’s next for MIKUJY? Are there any upcoming projects or milestones you’re particularly excited about? How can the community support you in achieving your future goals? 

We continue our current expansion in Europe with very exciting potential customers that might bring us even faster to our goals.

6. Based on your experience, what do you believe is the key to success for startups in your industry? 

Key to success is simply to hardly believe in your project. When you start your project, almost no one believes in your project. Customers find it too expensive. Investors that is too early. And market might not understand your solution or even the problem. But if you feel you have the golden idea, go 200% for it. Life will reward it for sure. 

7. What was your experience like exhibiting at 4YFN24, and would you recommend it to other startups? 

I recommend it for sure. We are considering to participate again. If a startup is looking for international expansion and exposure, 4YFN is definitely the place to be. 


The applications for the prestigious 4YFN25 Awards are now closed. Stay tuned to find out which companies will become finalists and which will have the chance of receiving a €20,000 cash prize, along with numerous other benefits designed to accelerate their business growth and visibility. For more information, see more here.