Cristina Aranda

MujeresTech, Co-Founder

Speaker Bio

Cristina Aranda holds a PhD in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, a master's degree in Internet Business, a degree in Hispanic Philology and is the author of the book “Vidas Futuras” (Aguilar, Penguin). She is co-founder of the consulting firm Big Onion, whose clients include Damm Group, Vocento, Libelium, Ministry of Economy, Ashoka, Tourism of Tenerife, among others, and is also co-founder of the association MujeresTech, a non-profit organization that promotes the presence of women in the digital field, the community Spain AI Aragón, the event Huomantech and the foundation ELLIS Alicante, a center of excellence focused on research and development of human-machine AI. In addition, Dr. Aranda advises on technology, innovation, diversity and inclusion to national and regional governments and institutions and is a speaker at national and international events. Her talks at TEDxZaragoza2018 and BBVA's Aprendemos Juntos Juntos (Let's Learn Together) stand out. Cristina led the Technology area of the Think Tank Covid19 of the Government of Aragon, was the Director of the Cluster of Digital Humanities and Spanish Technologies of the Community of Madrid, member of the Advisory Board of PERTE of the New Language Economy and Board Member of SD Huesca. Cristina teaches at ISDI, EOI and IIA and is a member of the Social Council of UNED.